Ante Tomić

Ante Tomić was born in 1970. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, with major in philosophy and sociology. He is a columnist for dailies Jutarnji list and Slobodna Dalmacija.
In 1996, he received an award for the best story by the Croatian Journalists’ Association, and in 2005 he received an award for the best column. In 2006, he was awarded the Kiklop Literary Award Hit of the Year for his book Građanin pokorni (An Obedient Citizen)i. He is an author of fifteen books:
2014 Velicanstveni Poskokovi (The Magnificent Viper’s) (novel)
2010 Nisam pametan (I Don’t Know) (columns)
2009 Vegeta blues (novel)
2009 Čudo u Poskokovoj Dragi (Miracle at Viper’s Glen) (novel)
2009 Dečko koji obećava (A Promising Boy) (column)
2006 Građanin pokorni (An Obedient Citizen) (short stories and columns)
2005 Krovna udruga i druga drama (The Umbrella Association and Other Dramas)
2005 Ljubav, struja, voda & telefon (Love, Electricity, Water & Telephone)(novel)
2004 Klasa optimist (Class Optimist) (columns)
2004 Veliki šoping (Big Shopping) (short stories)
2003 Ništa nas ne smije iznenaditi (Nothing Can Surprise Us) (novel)
2001 Smotra folklore (The Folklore Festival) (feuilletons)
2000 Što je muškarac bez brkova (What Is a Man Without a Moustache) (novel)
1997 Zaboravio sam gdje sam parkirao (I Forgot Where I parked) (short stories)
His novel Što je muškarac bez brkova (What Is a Man Without a Moustache) was adapted for stage at the Croatian National Theatre. His novels Ništa nas ne smije iznenaditi (Nothing Can Surprise Us), Ljubav, struja voda & telefon (Love, Electricity, Water & Telephone) and Čudo u Poskokovoj Dragi (Miracle at Viper’s Glen) were adapted for stage in Theatre Kerempuh. Hrvoje Hribar filmed his novel Što je muškarac bez brkova (What Is a Man Without a Moustache). Rajko Grlić’s film Karaula (Border Post) is based on his novel Ništa nas ne smije iznenaditi (Nothing Can Surprise Us). Together with Grlić, Tomić wrote a screenplay for the film Neka ostane među nama (Just Between Us). He co-wrote the screenplay for television series Novo Doba (New Age) with Ivica Ivanišević and Renato Baretić.